Ministry Areas
If you are looking for a way to connect, this is a great place to start. Take a look at all of the different things we have going on at St. Timothy's and see if a few of them feel like a good fit for you. Our ministries are listed below and grouped as:
Upcoming Events
Worship & Music Ministries
From setting up for our services, to arranging our flowers, the volunteers of the altar guild use their gifts to make sure every week of worship is as special and beautiful as possible. There… An Acolyte is a layperson who assists in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, carrying candles or torches in the processional and helping with the co… During the celebration of Holy Eucharist, the congregation is invited to eat the bread and wine of Holy Communion. A Chalice Bearer is the person who offers the wine to individuals with the wo… Lectors are trained to read our lessons from the Bible during our worship services. There is no age requirement for this ministry. We are just looking for people who are committed to practicin… Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM's) are trained to serve those in the congregation who are unable to attend worship by bringing the sacrament of Holy Eucharist to them. LEM's meet people in thei… Ushers and Greeters jobs are to present a genuinely warm and welcoming atmosphere to all who walk through our doors. These volunteers also St. Timothy's records and streams our 10:15 service every week. In order to do this, we rely on volunteers to help run the AV equipment responsible for making that happen. Even those who are s…Altar Guild
Chalice Bearer
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Ushers and Greeters of St. Timothy’s
AV Support Team
Our adult choir practices every Wednesday night at 7:00PM and sings regularly during our 10:15AM Sunday service during the months of September through June. The choir leads our congregation's … St. Timothy's boasts several fantastic singers and instrumental musicians that contribute their talents to our "Worship Ensemble." This group leads our music in worship with vocal and instrume…Choir
Worship Ensemble
Grow/Learn Ministries
St. Timothy’s preschool offers small class sizes and a creative learning environment Based on learning through play, the emphasis of our program is on development of socialization skills needed for a formal school setting. Our teachers provide students with a safe, nurturing and creative learning environment. They teach holistically, incorporating pre-kindergarten skills into all aspects of daily learning. Teachers facilitate social and academic growth, and differentiate instruction to best suit each child’s needs. Our program offers enrichment through daily crafts, monthly music classes, visits with Mr. John in our chapel, Children’s Library programs, field trips, and 4 year old STEAM activities. There is a strong history at St. Timothy's of our partnership with St. Paul's for Vacation Bible School (VBS) each summer. We often alternate campuses, and team up through participants, parent… Until you find yourself at the banquet table in the Kingdom that is to come, you can assume that the Good Lord isn’t finished with you yet. We can all grow and it is our intention to provide o…Preschool
Vacation Bible School
Serve Ministries
All are welcome at St. Timothy's Community Garden. God placed plants on the earth and instructed us to tend the garden. The miracle of life comes alive from the planting of the seed, nurturing… The mission of the Daughters of the King is the extension of Christ’s kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. Motto: “For His sake . . . I am but one, but I am one. With over 100 combined scouts active with our Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts programs, scouting is easily one of our most important and popular ministries here at St. Timothy's. The primary focus of the Jesus, Others and You (JOY) Soup Kitchen is to deal with food insecurity by providing meals to the poor and homeless in the community. JOY Soup Kitchen serves over 3,9… The Unseen Guest ministry delivers a meal(s) to parishioners who are ill, have been hospitalized, have a new baby, or have an illness or death in their family. Six teams rotate weeks of servic…
Starting as a shelter for men only, the Community Crossroads Center
(CCC) has evolved into an emergency shelter for men, women, and
children; and a permanent supportive housing program …Community Garden
Daughters of the King
I cannot do everyth…Scouting
Joy Soup Kitchen
Unseen Guest
Community Crossroads Center
Small Groups & Welcoming Ministries
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a worldwide ministry to men and youth in the Episcopal / Anglican communion and beyond and has been ‘making a difference in the Kingdom of God’ since 1883. Mi… The mission of the Daughters of the King is the extension of Christ’s kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. Motto: “For His sake . . . I am but one, but I am one. The Dinner Groups are off to a great start! If you missed the kick-off but are still interested in joining we have room in the Wednesday evening group. Here are the dates and times the groups … Vision: We are Episcopal Church Women, committed to one another and called to witness for Christ. Our challenge is to provide a safe place where every woman is free to become the person Christ… The Knitting Group began with three interested women who gathered to provide a teaching/learning opportunity to knit. Today this group meets together not only for knitting, crocheting, needlep… St. Timothy's is proud to offer yoga on our campus once a week.For 5000 years people have used these strategies to connect with the sacred and improve the health of body, mind, and spirit.Our …Brotherhood of Saint Andrew
Daughters of the King
I cannot do everyth…Dinner Groups
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Knitting Group
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. "- 1 Timothy 1:12
See the faces of those who work continually fo…Staff & Leadership