Worship Volunteers
There are dozens of people each Sunday that make worship happen. Some of them, like the Altar Guild, work behind the scenes to make sure everything is set up just right for each service, while others, like our Greeters, are the first person you might see when you arrive. All of the volunteers are seeking to make worship beautiful, approachable, and meaningful, each and every week.
Consider which of these ministries might benefit from your gifts!
If you would like more information about joining one of these ministries, or the ministries listed below, please contact the Parish Administrator at [email protected]
Music is one of the many ways that we add beauty and meaning to our worship and our celebration as a faith community. Under the leadership of our music director Peter Woodruff, St. Timothy's…Music
Altar Guild
From setting up for our services, to arranging our flowers, the volunteers of the altar guild use their gifts to make sure every week of worship is as special and beautiful as possible. There are enough volunteers that this ministry is organized into teams that rotate through a week at a time.
An Acolyte is a layperson who assists in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, carrying candles or torches in the processional and helping with the collection of the offering. Acolytes may be adults or children.
At St. Timothy’s, young people in grades 4 through 8 are invited to serve as torchbearers and those in grades 9 through 12 serve as the crucifer (carry the cross and assist the priest). Acolytes are regularly scheduled for the 10:15 service, and for special services as needed. Training is provided.
If you would like more information about becoming an Acolyte, please contact the Parish Administrator at [email protected].
Chalice Bearer
During the celebration of Holy Eucharist, the congregation is invited to eat the bread and wine of Holy Communion. A Chalice Bearer is the person who offers the wine to individuals with the words, "The blood of Christ. The cup of salvation."
Lectors are trained to read our lessons from the Bible during our worship services. There is no age requirement for this ministry. We are just looking for people who are committed to practicing enough to be able to read loud and clear for the whole church to hear.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM's) are trained to serve those in the congregation who are unable to attend worship by bringing the sacrament of Holy Eucharist to them. LEM's meet people in their homes, hospital rooms or rehab facilities to make sure they are able to connect with God and our congregation.
Ushers and Greeters of St. Timothy’s
Ushers and Greeters jobs are to present a genuinely warm and welcoming atmosphere to all who walk through our doors. These volunteers also
- Welcome all who attend service (members and visitors)
- Help churchgoers find a seat and get a bulletin
- Assist with "traffic flow" during the service
- Inviting guests to coffee hour and to come back
- And even assist in an emergency if one should arise
AV Support Team
St. Timothy's records and streams our 10:15 service every week. In order to do this, we rely on volunteers to help run the AV equipment responsible for making that happen. Even those who are scared of buttons really do have a good chance of being able to fulfill this important ministry.