Choir Practice; Sanctuary
Choir Practice; Sanctuary
Wednesdays Information Online:
We consider it a great privilege to welcome you. Your presence makes us better!
At St. Timothy’s we believe we are strengthened by our differences so whether you stumbled onto us while looking for a yoga class or have been seeking the perfect spiritual home for yourself or your family, we believe you belong here, and we know that you are needed here...
We are meeting for in-person worship on Sunday mornings
Our 10:15 service is also available via Facebook Live and on the website afterward
First time coming to St. Timothy’s, an Episcopal Church, or any church? We are excited you are choosing us and we will welcome you exactly as you are.
Giving is one of the most important spiritual practices we can develop. When we make a gift we bestow a since of value on the receiver, we recognize something of value within our own lives, and when times are lean, making a gift can be one of the only ways to free us from the fear of not having enough. It's simple math, if I have something that I can give away, be that 10 minutes of help or two dollars to share, that means I have been blessed with more than I need.
Ascribe the the Lord the honor due his name. Bring offerings and come into his courts. - From Psalm 96, verse 8
Pledging is an important part of your spiritual life because it is a way of saying, "I don't know what lies ahead, but I am putting God first and I have faith there will be enough for everything else." Pledging is also important to the church because it is the only way we can make a responsible budget and then fund our mission and ministries. If everyone participates, even small gifts can get us where we need to go. Can you make a gift of faith and help St. Timothy's by pledging?
Sunday Services
We are meeting for in-person worship on Sunday mornings
Our 10:15 service is also available via Facebook Live and on our website.
Following the CDC guidelines, face masks are not required for those who have been vaccinated. We have also reserved part of our worship space for those who wish to remain masked and socially distanced. Please do not attend if you have a fever, cough, any symptoms of COVID or if you have been in close contact to anyone exposed to COVID in the last 14 days.
Wednesdays Information Online:
Popcorn Theology February 7 5:30-7:30pm All are invited to watch a movie and participate in a brief conversation around how it interacts with our faith and daily life. This round is geared toward late elementary and middle school families, but all are welcome; it is a full family event, not a drop off, and feel free …
Dee Wiggins St. Paul COC Information Online:
10:15am Holy Eucharist Rite II with singing - 70-120 people attend this service depending on the time of year. The same scripture, sermon, and Holy Communion are enjoyed during this service but we also have a chance to sing together with the help of our Parish Choir, or our contemporary Worship Ensemble. Information Online:
On the second Sunday of the month we will collect fresh fruit for Operation Sunshine . They particularly enjoy apples, bananas, grapes and oranges! Information Online:
2nd and 4th Mondays of the month December 2nd Den Meeting December 9th Pack Mtg Parish Hall only May 12 Parish Hall only June 9 Parish Hall only Information Online:
Every Monday 7:30-8:45 Information Online:
Weekly Information Online:
weekly Information Online:
Whether you're new to knitting or crocheting or you're a pro, this is the crafting place to be. Time to chat and time to work on your project. Join us on Wednesdays! Information Online:
August through May 2nd Thurdsay 6:45-8:15 Information Online:
10:15am Holy Eucharist Rite II with singing - 70-120 people attend this service depending on the time of year. The same scripture, sermon, and Holy Communion are enjoyed during this service but we also have a chance to sing together with the help of our Parish Choir, or our contemporary Worship Ensemble. Information Online:
For 2024-2025, we will be packing lunches for CCC on the third Sunday of the month. All are welcome to help and participate. Donations welcome, item sign-up to come soon. We will pack 70 bagged lunches and anticipate this taking 30 minutes right after church. **We also need volunteers to deliver the lunches on Sunday …
3rd Monday of the Month Information Online:
3rd Monday of the month Information Online:
Weekly Information Online:
Connie Information Online:
Tuesday-Friday Information Online:
weekly Information Online:
Whether you're new to knitting or crocheting or you're a pro, this is the crafting place to be. Time to chat and time to work on your project. Join us …
1st and 3rd Wednesday afternoon of every month. Information Online:
Tuesday-Friday Information Online:
Tuesday-Friday Information Online:
Val and Megan Information Online:
10:15am Holy Eucharist Rite II with singing - 70-120 people attend this service depending on the time of year. The same scripture, sermon, and Holy Communion are enjoyed during this service but we also have a chance to sing together with the help of our Parish Choir, or our contemporary Worship Ensemble. Information Online:
4th Monday of the month Information Online:
Every Monday 7:30-8:45 Information Online:
Kia 7:45am-11am 10:30-12noon Information Online:
Weekly Information Online:
weekly Information Online:
Whether you're new to knitting or crocheting or you're a pro, this is the crafting place to be. Time to chat and time to work on your project. Join us …
Happening is a Christian experience presented by teenagers, for teenagers with the help of clergy and lay adult leadership. It seeks to achieve this purpose by bringing young persons and adults to fuller personal knowledge of and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and to a deeper level of commitment and apostleship. In the Diocese …