
Thank you everyone for coming out and supporting our annual Pancake Supper. We raised $944 to support folks attending a cursillo weekend. We also donated from the monies raised $104 to be donated to the operating fund at St Timothy’s (little over 10%). We had great teamwork, fellowship and full bellies! The monies we raise will help sponsor our church members to attend future Cursillos.

We are looking for parishioners to attend Cursillo the Trinity Center in Salter Path. The 2023 dates are April 27-30 and November 9-12.We are also interested in having team members join as well. Don’t know much about Cursillo? We have flyers and applications available to you, they are located in the Narthex. Ask someone who has been, or Diane Hatfield, we would love to talk about it!

Are you looking for a Cursillo Reunion Group? St. Timothy’s has 3!

  • Early Morning Bunch meets at Egg Yolk Restaurant on Tuesday Mornings at 7 am, contact Jim Williams if you would like more information.
  • Lunch Bunch meets at Various Local Restaurants on the 1st Tuesdays at 12:30 contact Suzie Shelton for more information
  • Evening Group meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays at Multipurpose building Parish Hall at 6:30 pm contact Diane Hatfield or Margaret Suggs for more information.
  • Morning Coffee hour Tuesday’s at 10am, contact Marty Michaels for location.


Diane Hatfield