
St. Paul’s was the only Episcopal Church in Greenville. A time came when they either needed to build a bigger church or start a new congregation. After much deliberation there was a consensus that Greeville would benefit from a different expression of the Episcopal Church so in 1978 a group chose to forge a new path in the ministry of Christ and the life of St. Timothy’s began.
In the beginning, St. Timothy’s had no home of its own and met each week in the Seventh Day Adventist Church. in 1981, after a piece of land had been purchased, with the help of the Diocese of East Carolina, the building that was once St. James Episcopal Church in Ayden, was moved to what would become, and still is the home of St. Timothy’s. The location was chosen with the intention of becoming a family church that was rooted in a growing neighborhood.
From worshiping at another local church in the 1970’s to breaking ground on our current church in 2002, we have always tried to follow the paths of faith and fellowship. It is now this generations turn to discern exactly what a faithful life, bound one to another, will look like for the church of the future.