Congregational Care

Every person, every family, every community has times of need – when we are sick, when we grieve, when we feel isolated, or when our burdens are too much for us to carry alone. Within the family of St. Timothy’s, there is a small group of committed and caring individuals who ensure that a helping hand and a soft shoulder are available in our times of need.
Members of the In-Reach team check in with those who are ill or are caring for family members; offer comfort to those in grief; reach out to those in isolation with telephone calls, visits and notes of support and quietly follow up on referrals. Their help takes on many forms – visits, respite care, transportation, sometimes just a listening ear and an open heart. The team may connect with another Church service group such as the Unseen Guest team for meals or Daughters of the King for prayers. Sometimes the team helps those in need with referrals to community services for assistance. When further pastoral care is indicated, information is shared with the Rector for follow-up. Occasionally, additional hands and hearts are required and the team will organize other volunteers within our Church family to fulfill the need.
The In-Reach team at St. Timothy’s provides care for members of our parish family with compassion, discretion and sensitivity. Their good deeds are often unknown and unnoticed by anyone other than the recipient. But the role that they play in connecting our hearts and building a strong Church family is immeasurable.
For more information about In-Reach or to make a referral, please contact [email protected]
Daughters of the King
The mission of the Daughters of the King is the extension of Christ’s kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. Motto: “For His sake . . . I am but one, …
Unseen Guest
The Unseen Guest ministry delivers a meal(s) to parishioners who are ill, have been hospitalized, have a new baby, or have an illness or death in their family. Six teams …