Small Groups
Small groups are a wonderful way to build deeper relationships within a community. St. Timothy’s has ongoing small groups specializing in prayer, song, knitting, Cursillo, men, women, service and fellowship. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities or joining a small group, please contact the church office.
Brotherhood of Saint Andrew
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a worldwide ministry to men and youth in the Episcopal / Anglican communion and beyond and has been ‘making a difference in the Kingdom …
Daughters of the King
The mission of the Daughters of the King is the extension of Christ’s kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. Motto: “For His sake . . . I am but one, …
Dinner Groups
The Dinner Groups are off to a great start! If you missed the kick-off but are still interested in joining we have room in the Wednesday evening group. Here are …
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Vision: We are Episcopal Church Women, committed to one another and called to witness for Christ. Our challenge is to provide a safe place where every woman is free to …
Knitting Group
The Knitting Group began with three interested women who gathered to provide a teaching/learning opportunity to knit. Today this group meets together not only for knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, quilting, and …