
We are committed to provide a loving and faith-filled environment that is safe, secure, and clean. Care for children ages 3mos – 4 years is offered on Sundays 10:00-11:45am and during seasonal special events. We do take occasional breaks, like the Sunday after Christmas, and in July.

Children are always welcome in worship and other spaces. We strive to offer options for families that want to worship and fellowship that fit their needs and desires. In addition to the nursery, you’ll find JJ’s rug in the church building for use during church. CHIPS (children’s homily in place of sermon) is also open to all ages during the service, though we ask a parent to accompany children under 3.

To find the Nursery, enter the Ed Building, which is the brick building to the right of the white chapel, and the Nursery will be the first classroom on the left.

See our nursery packet for parents/adults to learn more about policies and procedures. Note that a registration form must be on file for any child to be dropped off. The form can be found in the packet and extras are also available in the nursery itself.

Please contact Martha Whitesides [email protected] with questions.