Children & Youth
We believe that children should be seen and heard. If there is something that an adult is doing at St. Timothy’s, you can bet we have a child or youth doing the same thing. Our young people read, usher, acolyte, serve, and lead the church. You can see in their faces that they know they are valued, appreciated, and belong here in this community. Read on to learn more about our regular offerings.
Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’ Matthew 19:14
All children and youth need to have a 2024-2025 Universal Permission Form on file to participate in any St. Timothy’s event. Here is our Fall 2024 calendar.
Questions? Contact Martha Whitesides, Director of Christian Formation [email protected].

Key Offerings
Families First (all ages)
First Sunday of the Month
All ages formation (9:30-10:00am) and worship (10:15-11:15am). All are welcome to join in to this cross generational morning of learning, fellowship, and worship. Activities in formation are designed for group collaboration. Worship is led especially by young people and is a shorter version of the Episcopal liturgy of Holy Eucharist, including a children’s homily.
CHIPS–children’s homily in place of sermon (preK-3rd grade)
Younger children are invited to the Meeting Room during the sermon and prayers for a story and activity, and will return to the church at the Peace. Parents are welcome to join or can stay to listen to the sermon. This is designed for children ages 4-9.
In addition to reading a story connected to one of the Bible readings for the day, in the 2024-2025 year we will be taking a deeper dive into the Book of Common Prayer to learn what’s in it and how to use it more.
Episcopal Youth Community (6th-12th grades)
Second and Fourth Sundays
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) is a safe space for middle and high school students to explore, create, and learn together in a meaningful faith community. We will gather in the Multi Purpose Building from 5-6pm, and transition to the Parish Hall for dinner 6-6:30pm.
Popcorn Theology (all ages)
How do we connect our faith to our daily lives? Where do we see God in our every day? When do we get time to be together as a church family?
Popcorn Theology is our newest offering to journey through some of these questions. A movie and dinner, targeted to specific varying age groups, will be offered several times throughout the year. Join our e-mail listserv or check the church calendar for specific event announcements.

Additional opportunities during worship
Nursery: staffed by two caring providers, the nursery is open 10:00-11:45am on all Sunday mornings for children ages 3mos – 4 years. On the first Sunday of the month families are invited to worship together in our Families First service, but the nursery is still open for those who desire it. Learn more through the button on the right.
Pew bags: a tool (for all ages!) to engage further into our worship liturgy, found as you enter the church hanging on wooden posts
JJ’s rug: named in honor of Rev. John’s grandmother, who made the rug, this area is open for little ones and their parents who might need some space in the service, though know a joyful noise is welcome in any part of the church! The blue and white rug will be set up in the Narthex with a few play items and books. Parents, please stay with your children in this space… the sound from the service is on in that room!
Acolytes: assisting in leading the worship service through the processional, offering, and more. Generally this opportunity is available starting in the 4th grade, contact Susan Holmes or the church office [email protected] for more information.
Vacation Bible School
There is a strong history at St. Timothy’s of our partnership with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Our Redeemer Lutheran Church for Vacation Bible School (VBS) each summer. We often …