How I Read the Bible; Zoom
March 6 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Join a six-week series that will allow you to explore how you, and others, read the Bible. Guided by a book comparing the voices of two different preachers, we will gain perspective on how past experiences and present contexts shape our understanding of the Gospel. At the same time, we will engage in a self-inventory to help us define our own identities, stories, and journey to where we are today. Through understanding the perspectives that lead to our views and the views of others, we seek to deepen our capacity to connect and care for those we differ from.
Opportunities to participate in person will be offered at 9:00am and 5:00pm Sunday March 9th through Sunday April 13th. We will also offer a class online, Thursday March 6th through Thursday April 10th at 7:30pm.