Packing Party: Bagged Lunches for Community Crossroads Center; PH 9/15
Sunday, September 15, 2024, 11:30 AM
For 2024-2025, we will be packing lunches for CCC on the third Sunday of the month. All are welcome to help and participate. Donations welcome, sign-up here. We will pack 70 bagged lunches, so many hands make light work! We will make sandwiches, decorate bags, and pack them full. We anticipate this taking 30 minutes right after church.
**We also need volunteers to deliver the lunches on Sunday evenings. All you do is pack them in your car and drop off at CCC between 6-8pm. Previously Martha has done most of the deliveries, but it’s a great family and/or friends activity! Let Martha know if you can take any of the third Sundays.