Inreach Changes
DID YOU KNOW that Inreach as we know it today started 10 years ago with four coordinators that took a week each month to contact folks in the St. Tim’s Family who may need assistance with rides to appointments, recently had a baby, been hospitalized, had a death in their family or just need extra encouragement?
We quickly realized we needed four teams of two and continued that way for 9 years. Last year, we added a third coordinator to each team to assist with extra duties or if a team member was not available during their week.
Our teams are as follows:
Angela Mallette, Kathy Seibel, Jamie Kirby
Linda Lane, Debbie Strickland, Kim Ness
Marty Michaels, Bitsie Harwell, Wanda Williams
Mary Vincent, Sharon Paoloni, Barbara Williams
Beginning July 1st, 2024, the leadership of this Ministry will change from Mary Vincent to Bitsie Harwell (252-413-9701) and Linda Lane (252-413-8354). Should you need assistance, please contact the team of the week as listed on the refrigerator page in the bulletin, contact Bitsie or Linda or call the office.
If you are interested in being a volunteer to help this ministry by offering a ride to appointments, visiting with a parishioner, staying with someone who just left the hospital, etc., please let Bitsie or Linda know so they can put you on a volunteer list that Inreach Coordinators can contact.
Mary Vincent